Remarkably, it's been one whole decade since we bid farewell to Woody and Buzz (for the first time at least) in Toy Story 3.
Disney-Pixar's glorious threequel achieved what many considered impossible: build on the legacy of its classic predecessors and strike out in boldly emotional new areas. Populated with a host of memorable new characters (including Michael Keaton's Ken) and armed with a host of tear-jerking moments (including that furnace face-off in the final act), the movie was a rollercoaster ride in every sense of the word.
So, to celebrate the film's 10th anniversary, here are 10 fun facts about Toy Story 3.
1. Andy voice actor John Morris was called out of 'retirement' (he hadn't acted since 2001) to reprise the role of Woody and Buzz's beloved owner.
2. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen recorded their lines together in order to harness better chemistry as Woody and Buzz. (Check out the proof 41 seconds into the following video.)
3. Toy Story 3 actually began life in 2004 at a brand new Disney department called Circle 7 Animation, which was later disbanded, resulting in the transfer of production to Pixar.
4. Beloved Studio Ghibli character Totoro makes a cameo in Toy Story 3, no doubt prompted by the fact that art director Daisuke Tsutsumi is married to the niece of Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki.
5. One of the early Circle 7 concepts involved a malfunctioning Buzz being shipped to Taiwan, which eventually prompts all his friends to come to the rescue.
6. Toy Story 3 is one of only three animated movies to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture, the others being Beauty and the Beast and Up.
7. Toy Story bully Sid turns up at the end of the movie as a garbage man – he can be identified by his skull t-shirt.
8. The flamenco song that Jessie and Buzz dance to is a Spanish version of Randy Newman's 'You've Got A Friend In Me', performed by the Gipsy Kings.
9. Quentin Tarantino listed the movie as one of his favourite films of the 2010s.
10. Toy Story 3 was the highest-grossing animated movie of all time, until it was toppled by Disney's very own Frozen in 2013.
What are your memories of watching Toy Story 3 on the big screen? Let us know @Cineworld.
And don't forget to check our list of Cineworld re-opening movies and upcoming film release dates – the latter includes Disney-Pixar's next movie Soul. The trailer can be viewed below.