If you recommend Unlimited to your friends, we’ll give you a free month of membership to say thank you for every friend that signs up! Apply for your 'Recommend a Friend' code online which you can pass on to your friends. If any of your friends successfully sign up for Unlimited membership, enter your unique Recommend a Friend code on the 'Promotional codes and gift cards' section on the Payment screen and remain an active Unlimited member for 90 days you will BOTH receive 1 month of free Unlimited membership. The free month will be added automatically to the end of your current subscription (or, if you are new to Unlimited, after your first 12 months’ of membership). You can earn a maximum of 12 free months per year with the Recommend a Friend offer.
So if 12 friends sign up to an Unlimited Card with your code you will get 12 months Unlimited membership, 1 year of cinema for free.
And your 12 friends with 1 free month each can start inviting people to sign up for additional free months themselves.
Recommend a Friend offer valid until further notice. Terms apply. For full T&Cs and more information on Recommend a Friend, please click on the links below.
If you become an Unlimited member using your friend’s unique Recommend A Friend code, once you have completed your first year of membership, your 13th month of membership will be free.
13 months of Unlimited movies for the price of 12!
Not only that, you will also be able to recommend friends as soon as you become an Unlimited member and earn more months for free after that!
Recommend a Friend offer valid until further notice. Terms apply. For full T&Cs and more information on Unlimited and Recommend a Friend, please click on the links below.
For further details about the Unlimited Card, click here.
For full Unlimited Card T&Cs, click here.
For Recommend a Friend FAQs, click here.
For full T&Cs on the Recommend a Friend offer, paying monthly, click here, or paying yearly, click here.