It's time to move at lightning speed and secure your Cineworld tickets for The Flash. DC's latest comic book blockbuster hits our screens later in June and acts as a visual feast, not to mention it throws in some breadcrumbs as to the future of the DC Universe.
Scroll down to find out more.
1. It more than does justice to the Flashpoint comics arc
The Flashpoint crossover arc was first published in 2011 and acts as the jumping-off point for the new Flash movie. Expect an emotional ride when Barry Allen/The Flash (Ezra Miller) attempts to undo the consequences of his tragic past, only to break open the space-time continuum in the process.
Having splintered into two different people, Barry must work to close the loop short of the multiverse imploding in on itself. Although Miller's portrayal is known for its flippancy and humour (and that's very evident in the new movie), his family saga in the new movie, particularly related to his parents (played by Ron Livingston and Maribel Verdu), invests the movie with genuine urgency and drama.
2. Michael Keaton's Batman return is well worth the wait
Has it really been 31 years since Michael Keaton last bestrode the big screen as the Dark Knight? Unbelievably, it has. Keaton last played the role in 1992's Batman Returns for director Tim Burton and later vacated the role when he disagreed with the direction the character was taking in Batman Forever. (That movie was released in 1995 with Val Kilmer in the title role.)
The Flash movie rapidly makes up for all that lost time with a nostalgic burst of pleasure, the chance to see Keaton's ageing, if not exactly ailing, Bruce Wayne returning to the controls of the Batwing and assisting Barry in his quest to restore the timeline. It's funny and emotive, and you can feel the weight of a profound comic book legacy rippling through the cinema screen.
3. Andy Muschietti directs with style
Muschietti is something of a horror specialist, best known for his two Stephen King IT adaptations, and Mama before that. And while there are elements of The Flash that verge on the horrific, it's clear that, for the most part, Muschietti is channelling the humorous energy of the sections from IT that involved the young cast.
That generosity of spirit extends to the movie's visual approach. Muschietti deals with more visual effects in this movie than he's ever done before, and the retina-scorching depiction of Barry's lightning-quick abilities has a visual dynamism and verve that is maintained throughout the movie.
4. Benjamin Wallfisch scores with brio
Composer Wallfisch worked with Muschietti on the IT movies, conjuring a soundscape that was equal parts lyrical and horrific. A superhero movie like The Flash is clearly a different proposition and deserves a robust theme to honour the character's comic book heritage.
Wallfisch does all this and more, sweeping us along with a score that emulates the godfather of all DC superhero scores (and, indeed, all superhero scores in general), John Williams' Superman. And there are some other old favourites contained with the soundtrack...
5. It alludes to the ongoing DC Universe
James Gunn and Peter Safran are busy recalibrating the DC Universe as we speak. The timey-wimey events of The Flash are a key part of this – and of course, we're not going to tell you how or why. You'll just have to watch the movie and find out for yourself.
Click the link below to get your Cineworld tickets for The Flash. The movie opens on June 16th.