Millions of people around the world are under lockdown conditions at the moment – and that also extends to our favourite movie stars.
We've rounded up five social media A-listers who have been posting creative and fun ways to help beat the lockdown blues.
1. Dwayne Johnson
Most active on Instagram and Facebook
The man-mountain formerly known as The Rock is one of our most likeable and self-deprecating movie stars, capable of sending up his image at every turn. After all, that's why Johnson's Jumanji appearance as a dorky teenager encased in a buff body was so hilarious.
Johnson has clearly recognised the havoc that the coronavirus pandemic is playing with the movie calendar, and has reached out to his fans in recent weeks with exciting Hobbs & Shaw 2 updates. It's good to know that we've got more Johnson to look forward to once this is all over.
2. Tom Hanks
Most active on Instagram
We were all justifiably concerned when Hollywood's Nicest Celebrity, Mr. Tom Hanks, was diagnosed with Covid-19 back in March. He and his wife Rita Wilson caught the bug while shooting Baz Luhrmann's Elvis biopic in Australia, a film whose production is now on hold.
Of course, Hanks being the forthright, decent sort he is, he took to Instagram to post semi-regular updates of his recovery. We were all relieved to hear about his return to America, and his steady journey back to health. And that sly Corona typewriter gag clearly shows he hasn't lost his sense of humour.
3. Will Smith
Most active on Instagram
It takes a brave celebrity to try out yoga for the very first time in full view of millions of Instagram followers. But the effortlessly funny Will Smith clearly isn't one to balk at a challenge.
The Independence Day and Men In Black star recently posted an Instagram video showing him grappling with a multitude of intricate yoga procedures. Not easy when Smith himself invites comparisons with the Pillsbury Doughboy.
4. Tom Cruise
Most active on Twitter and Instagram
Not just one of the biggest stars in the world, Tom Cruise shows an admirable and refreshing loyalty to his online fans. It's good to know that his appreciation stretches beyond autograph signing during red carpet premieres.
He may only use social media sporadically, but The Cruiser knows how to make it count. Back at the start of April, he took to Instagram and Twitter to personally announce that the Top Gun: Maverick release date had been pushed back to December. Acknowledging the disappointment of moviegoers, he also encouraged everyone to stay safe.
5. Anthony Hopkins
Most active on Twitter and Instagram
Not just a CBE recipient and Oscar winner, British thesp Anthony Hopkins has also carved out his own unique niche online. The Silence of the Lambs star has become a regular fixture on Twitter, posting videos of the home he shares with his cat. In the most recent, he told us to "keep smiling" despite everything that's going on.
Hopkins has, in the past, also shared content that displays his musical skills. An accomplished pianist, he's been using music to help get him through this difficult time, which is surely an inspiration to all of us.
6. Richard E. Grant
Most active on Twitter and Instagram
How's this for a brilliantly clever twist on the usual social media approach? Oscar-nominated character actor Richard E. Grant has been posting regular "isolation quotes" from his 1987 cult classic Withnail and I, keeping fans amused and entertained.
The movie pairs Grant with Paul McGann, and is a hilarious, booze-sodden account of two struggling actors who go on holiday "by mistake" to the Lake District. It's lovely to see Grant's witty, self-aware sense of fun on full display during these dark times.
Who are the social media celebrities that you're following during the lockdown? Let us know @Cineworld.