In these difficult times, we need the calm, rational and riveting insight of Sir David Attenborough more than ever. The world's most pre-eminent naturalist is 93 and is about showcase his new documentary, A Life On Our Planet, which he describes as his "witness statement" and "vision of the future".
The documentary screens tonight (28th September) in Cineworld and encapsulates Attenborough's extraordinary career, one that has flung him into practically every corner of the globe. The BBC veteran has always sought to bring all manner of species, both commonplace and unusual, to public attention, from insects to birds and mammals.
Now, with our rich biodiversity habitats hanging in the balance, his latest project carries an especially timely air. Before you book your tickets (the link can be found at the bottom of this feature), join us as we celebrate five of Attenborough's most memorable wildlife moments.
1. The lyre bird's song
For his 1998 series The Life of Birds, Attenborough observed something truly astonishing. The unassuming lyre bird can not only copy the sounds of others in the vicinity, including the kookaburra, but also non-organic noises like camera shutters and chainsaws. Watch it and feel your jaw start to drop.
2. The blue whale's sheer size
With blood vessels so big that that one can swim through them, and a tail that matches the span of a small aircraft, the majestic blue whale is one of Earth's grandest specimens. It took centre stage during Attenborough's critically acclaimed 2002 series The Blue Planet, one that showcased the diversity, and vulnerability, of our oceans.
3. Being adopted by mountain gorillas
Quite possibly Attenborough's most famous moment, this scene is a heartwarming reflection of compassion and bonds within the animal kingdom. While filming 1979's Life on Earth, he travelled to Rwanda where he made an instant connection with the area's charismatic mountain gorillas.
4. Witnessing kmperor penguins and their young
Released in 1993, documentary series Life in the Freezer observed the battle for survival in some of the harshest natural habitats. However, the unmistakeable king penguins make it look effortless, not least when it comes to tracking down their young in the vast, thronging hordes of bodies.
5. Making friends with a cheetah
During lockdown, you may have formed a deeper bond with your pet cat. Trust Attenborough, however, to move things forward by feeding a wild cheetah from his hand. His clear joy encapsulates the wonder and awe he has brought to all of his world-spanning projects.
Click here to book your tickets for David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet and let us know @Cineworld what your favourite Attenborough moments are.