Every day throughout June, we're sharing a fun scenario as part of our Cineworld 30 Day Film Challenge. While we're closed, we want to know what it is about going to the cinema that you love so much.
Today's theme: name a film you love that is also a book you love. Scroll down to discover some of the responses, and share your own on social media.
Cloud Atlas - underrrated IMO - Hollywood needs to make more films like this! Not the usual formula of blockbusters.
— Jon Dytor (@DigitalDytor) June 10, 2020
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. John LeCarre is a master storyteller and Oldman’s Smiley is brilliant.
— Ollie Ellis-Sargeant (@SargeantEllis) June 10, 2020
The Help. One of those rare films that was exactly how I had pictured it when reading the book.
— *Shut Down* (@TellyAndFilmFan) June 10, 2020
Has to be Andy Weir’s The Martian. Tremendous read and the movie lives up to the expectations I had!! pic.twitter.com/baA6dgKDP7
— Chris Thomson (@ChrMarTho) June 10, 2020
Easy one for me this one, The Jungle Book. The original book with all the short stories, Ricki Ticki Tarvi is my all time favourite story, which I have shared with both my children. The recent remakes of Mogli's song have been excellent and close to the original text
— skellz (@skellz17) June 10, 2020
What's your favourite film that's also a favourite book? Take part in the Cineworld 30 Day Film Challenge and let us know on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.