There's been a lot of talk lately about the Marvel Cinematic Universe expanding – the comic book gods recently revealed their jaw-dropping slate of movies that reaches all the way to 2019 (click here to view).
As proof, next year's Avengers: Age of Ultron is said to sowing the seeds of the hugely popular Iron Man/Captain America 'Civil War' storyline that, according to Marvel's release schedule, will properly take shape in Captain America: Civil War, due for release on 6th May 2016. If you're not up on your comics, this is the stage where Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) become sworn enemies.
And if you're disheartened by the lack of a future team up between Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy – director James Gunn has told MTV that "Guardians 2 is not a movie that’s made to move toward [The Avengers:] Infinity War" – then this nifty little mash-up trailer ought to do the trick. Initially, it all seems a bit unsurprising – until a certain Rocket Raccoon hijacks proceedings with his customary dose of bad attitude.
Take a look and post a comment if you're planning to watch Avengers: Age of Ultron when it's released on 24th April 2015.